Sunday, May 6, 2012

About Star Wars Episode Five

I would like to preface this by saying that I don't know why I'm starting with this one. This is a movie I have loved all my life. I take a lot of it for granted because I've been watching it for so long. A lot of the things I found really surprised me. I think you might be surprised too. This is probably obvious, but if you haven't seen the movie yet, this will probably not be that exiting and it will ruin the whole movie for you. And, here we go!

    1. Until this movie, Darth Vader has been a lackey; an attack dog for the Empire. It isn't until Gov. Tarkin dies and even until Darth admits he is a Father that he becomes a leading figure in the Imperial Army. I don't know how I missed it , but it's one of the most important transformations in the series.

    2. I wonder how they make the Ton-Tons run...
    3. What's the point of those Glass boards with circles on them?

    4. I think the fight with the Snow Monster in longer than it used to be.

    5. The back-and-fourth banter between characters is perfect for the opening of the second Star Wars (or any sequel). The Characters are already well established from the previous film and it's nice to see that they are up to their old antics.

    6. I'd bet Anything that the "Hey Ben" video by Balloonshop was a take off the scene where Luke sees Ben in the snow storm.

    7. Luke getting his lightsaber is the first time the Force is used for something other than choking someone.

    8. The first transport ship is shaped like a fish and the captain of the Imperial ship it's headed for calls it his "First catch of the day."

    9. One of the rebel troops accidentally dodges a laser shot him when he trips at 33:12.

    10. As a subtle joke, Darth Vader walks through a metal detecter when he arrives on Hoth. I knew about this, but it just occurred to me that it's probably more funny now than it was originally because of TSA.

    11. When the Falcon has trouble starting Leia says, "Would it help if I got out and pushed?" a reference to cars, which don't exist...

    12. There's no getting around it. Han is a total douchbag in this movie.
    13. That whole conversation between Han and Leia right before they kiss is so cool, but it's so hard to hear.

    14. Something I've noticed in all the Star Wars movies is that they are treated as second class citizens. It makes sense too; it there was a large population of robots living on the earth, they would be treated the same way especially if they were as smart as C-3PO.

    15. Obiwan comes back in the Fifth movie. This is yet another subtle reference to the Religious nature of the Force. In the same way a God Fearing Christian, Faithful Jedi also experience Life after Death.

    16. Han gets really mad when Lando tells about the trap for Luke. So mad that, even in his extreme pain, he punches Lando in the face and is beaten down. This shows that, despite his apathetic Charades, he is totally invested in the rebellion.

    17. The Empire must have been prepared to handcuff Chewbacca. In the last movie the handcuffs wouldn't fit around his wrists, but in this movie they do.
    18. This really is Han's movie. He makes most of the important decisions. Not that Luke is unimportant, but let's be honest, he's on the most remote planet ever for half the movie.

    That's all I got...

    Now it's your turn! Tell me what revelations you've had about this movie. Tell me what you think I got wrong. Tell your Mom that you love her. 

    Thanks for reading,
    Dan Hatton

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