Tuesday, May 8, 2012

About the Military and Nationalism

Why should I be proud of the troops? This so called "Support" is just fueling wars. Wars that we've been somehow successful in being disassociated with the solders who fought in them. Don't tell me you support the troops and not the conflict. That's a damn joke.

The horror of it all is that any jamoke on the street can say they support the military and they'll win the favor of everyone and I'll be lambasted for what I say even though I'm just trying to be honest. What that shmuck doesn't realize is that not only is he perpetuating a stereotype, (The solder is this obscure deity that should be respected no matter what) he's also diluting the efforts of people who actually feed, talk to, and heal veterans in any way they can.

I want to know why even though I'm aloud to believe anything I want, I'm being overwhelmingly pressured into choosing to support the troops and the conflict or just the troops? Why can't I be ashamed of both? I'll tell you right now that I am.

I am not proud of America, I'm Embarrassed
Furthermore, I'm Ashamed of the Army

Did you know that suicide surpasses combat fatality as a cause of mortality in the military? Should I be proud of that?

Did you know that The Army blames Spousal problems, Money problems, and Substance abuse? Should I be proud of that? By the way, do I need a scientific study to prove that is bullshit?

Try killing men, women, and children. Try loosing a limb or a friend. Try not know why your doing any of it.
Go ahead. Tell me I should be proud of that.
I dare you.

I hurts us all to think of the American Solder as the monster we've created out of Apathy. They are kids who wanted to be men. They are poor people who wanted a better future. But, America is a nation of war and that's Everybody's fault even the solders. After all, they're also America's like you and me. 

We've allowed the Military to make itself sexy. Commercials showcase advanced technology and sensationalize with concepts like Pride, Success, Leadership. Guys don't join to kill people who may or may not be terrorist, they join because the military is sexy and perceived as a way out of social/finacial problems.

Support the troops? How about ending the war? Has that occurred to anyone yet?

This has to have pissed someone off. Please. I'm begging you to prove me wrong. I'm at the point where being wrong would actually be better.

Now accepting Hate Mail,
Dan Hatton

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