Saturday, May 26, 2012

About ADHD

I recently entered in some raffle/survey for people with ADHD. Except that it wasn't really a raffle... or Survey. They called it a Screening Test. Anyway they ask us to write a bit about how we live with ADHD And I wrote this...
I've had ADHD all my life. I don't remember a day I haven't fought it. It was worst when I was in grade school because not only was I dealing with pressures from school and ADHD itself, but medication at the time was causing me intense physical and psychological pain. I remember switching to a new drug every other prescription. Some made me dizzy others burned in my stomach and throat. I recently heard that at least one of the drugs I used to use was made illegal. By the time I was in 6th grade, I had had enough. I decided to drop the drugs all together.
There is something you have to understand about me. As far as I was concerned, ADHD was just an excuse to do whatever you wanted. I remember teacher giving me the benefit of the doubt just because of ADHD. That made me mad because I didn't want to be treated differently and I didn't want people thinking I had a handicap. After all, always having something to say is not a mental disorder.
To be honest, I haven't thought about ADHD for a while. Because of my grudge with it, I tried to forget I ever had it. In class I would get in trouble for being a clown, not paying attention, etc. Despite this, I hid my ADHD from the teachers. I just didn't want teachers or anyone else treating me differently.
It's hard to say where I stand now. I'd like to say it's bogus and that I'm just a hyper kid, but that's not true. I still have a hard time sitting down or keeping my mouth shut or smiling at funerals, but I also use it as a creative outlet. I can make a story out of anything.
So, What do you think about ADHD? Legit or excuse?

Think about it,
Dan Hatton

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